I’ve been meaning to hop on here and write but in all honesty I haven’t really had any ideas on what I’d like to write about, until I was stood having the hottest shower this evening, I realised 1 whole month had passed this year already. People say January is a very ‘Monday’ month. To be honest, I quite like Mondays. The start of a new week, back to a little routine. I’m saying this as a mother who is currently on maternity leave, so I understand if working people don’t particularly like Mondays cause who wants to go back to work after the weekend?
So, let’s do a little January round up! And I’m going to, dare I say it, make it a habit to do this at the end of every month this year! Let’s see how we go.
Things we did this month:
Josh and I got asked to ‘model’ as a wedding couple for a new wedding venue opening next year. Josh was very much on the fence but I did manage to convince him. I’m so glad because we loved the whole experience and it was nice to get all glam for the day, instead of having my hair scraped back in a bun, wearing a milk stained sweater and leggings! What was interesting was seeing how much time and effort goes in to these sorts of things. With neither of us working in the industry it was a real eye opener and although both out of our comfort zone we loved getting to know each and every supplier, the way they work, how they work and how it all comes together. Here are some of my favourite photographs captured by, the oh so talented, Bridgette Ibbotson. See more of her stunning work here: https://www.bridgetteibbotsonphotography.com

I started off the year wanting to really focus on my health and fitness, as I do most years. However, this year feels different and that’s probably because we’re getting married later in the year and I want to look and feel the best I’ve ever felt. I try my best to workout 3 times a week, which usually involves a 5km run and then some form of HIIT workout or sometimes it just looks like a run of whatever distance outside when the sun is shining. I actually feel the fittest I’ve felt in such a long time! Having children, of course, knocked me back but when you only have small windows of opportunity to workout you definitely work harder!

At the beginning of January I got my wedding dress! I was booked in to try wedding dresses on a week later but a local bridal shop was closing down so me and my MOH thought we’d go and have a look. I tried 3 dresses on and walked out with the second one I tried on. It needs tweaking slightly but it was such a bargain and I’m so pleased! I’ve also sorted the cake and the flowers too and Josh has finally asked his groomsmen if they will be our groomsmen! Still a few bits and pieces to sort but currently, no stresses and you know, I don’t think I will get stressed about it either…. We’ll see!

I made the decision to stop sharing images of the girls online. These were the last ones I shared on my Instagram publicly, which is why I’m sharing them here. It’s a tough one because I really want to show them off but the internet/the unknown scares me a little. So for now, I’ll only be sharing photos of the girls with people I know aren’t weirdos hiding behind their phones/computer screens. Instagram has a great feature for ‘close friends’ where you can share posts/reels/stories with whoever you choose to have on your ‘close friends’ list. I only ever used it for stories but have recently started using it for posts too. Why not make my Instagram private, I hear you probably didn’t ask. Well, I like sharing my other favourite images with the world, from fitness to travels, to food to fashion. So those I will still carry on sharing! I’m still trying to make sure all my other social media apps are secure, so it’s a process but we’ll get to a place where I feel happy. And you know, you might catch a little glimpse of them here and there but not as full on as before.
Thoughts this month:
I still want to move abroad for at least 4 months of the year. No idea how I can make it happen finance wise but it’s going to happen.
Happiness comes from within, not from material goods. You read this a lot but sometimes it’s easily forgotten. Buying a new car or piece of jewellery or handbag might bring momentary happiness but that’s usually all it is.
Things I’d like to do next month:
Start something creative. By the end of the month I want to have produced something I’m happy with, whether it be a digital artwork, a print or something I’ve sewn, crocheted or whatever.
Read a ‘fiction’ book, instead of ‘non-fiction’. I’m interested in reading the book The House of my Mother by Shari Franke after someone I follow on Instagram had shared it. But I’ve bought a few books lately, so I’ve placed a hold on a book by Holly Bourne, called ‘So Thrilled for you’ that a friend suggested, so hopefully that will be at the library soon! I tend to prefer reading non fiction but it’s not always best before bed!
Run 5km in less than 25 minutes on the treadmill. Current best is 25:57 which I did on 26th January.
Things I’d like to do less of next month:
Spend less time on my phone. Why is it so hard?! Any tips welcome.
Less procrastinating. That goes alongside the less time on my phone, I procrastinate on my phone so if I can do the top one then this one should follow.