Hey lovelies! How’s your week going? I’ve been working on this print this week for a college project and I’m so happy with how it turned out. I imagined it always being printed in black on white paper (second image or if you’re on a computer then it’s the image on the right) but I really love the white print on black paper. What I love about lino printing is that every print you do is completely different. I think because the black paper was grainy, the white ink looks almost like a newspaper print and I really love that effect. I messed up a bit on the table, so it looks a little wonky. I slipped when I was cutting the lino which is so easily done and you can’t even correct it once the lino has been cut = nightmare! If you’d like to follow my print page, I’ve created another instagram page called lkfprints. You can find it here. I’ve also set up a Facebook page too, just to keep the two linked and to share my updates/progress for anyone interested, here.

On Saturday morning I took Erik for a walk through the woods. There is a walled path (as pictured) which was part of the house that sadly burned down in the late 1900’s. Apparently there’s a ghostly old lady who walks up and down here. Thankfully I have never seen her and didn’t see her on my morning walk but it’s the first time I’ve walked down there in years!

We got the Christmas tree set up on Saturday! Wahoo! I carried this 6ft.. maybe even 7ft tree from the shop all by myself. Fair to say I was rather sweaty by the time I got home.. and totally out of breath! We don’t have many decorations, just some left over from my Gran’s tree at home. And these white/blue lights which I’m not a fan of. I think I’d like some warm lights next year and I’m all for the traditional red decorations.

I made a special trip to Youdell’s in Kendal for some art supplies. Got these water based printing inks, alongside some other treats which I’m so excited to use! That place is just a little shop of treasures! Ended up losing my bank card but thankfully a lovely couple picked it up and messaged me on Facebook, so I had it back in less than half an hour or losing it!

Got this print up today too! It’s a gorgeous print of Scafell and Wastwater and the colours just work so well in this room!

Brought my other gorgeous Lesley Birch print to the house too but have decided I’ll have this in the living room where we can see it more often.. or on the landing perhaps. Or… maybe even our bedroom but I’m not 100% sure. So really, I haven’t decided at all!
Erik went on a nice long walk with Josh’s brother and dog, Otto. So he spent the afternoon chilling in front of the fire, thankfully. Usually he runs up and downstairs but we’ve set his cage up now we have carpets and dusty floors still, as we can’t have those lovely wool carpets ruined!
I’m absolutely shattered this evening. I didn’t sleep well last week and haven’t had any early nights to catch up on sleep so I’m going to dry my hair, get in to bed, put something on Netflix and do a few sketches in my sketchbook of some ideas I have for prints. I really need to cut down my screen time again too. I’m spending way too much time scrolling through Instagram and it’s driving me mad but I just can’t stop myself. I did so well during the first lock down when the weather was good and I could get outside more but now I really need to find something to occupy myself! Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful weekend and I will speak to you soon. Lots of love, L.