If you didn’t see my Instagram stories on Thursday evening.. then you won’t know that Josh surprised me with this kitchen! He told me he was going to be working late Thursday evening, to catch up with work. I didn’t think too much about it because he often works late and has a lot on his plate, so I prepped myself for an early evening, took the dog out for a walk in the rain, had a nice hot bath, washed and straightened my hair (for the first time ever!) and put my pyjamas on.
At about half past 8, when I was just about to jump in to bed… He texts me asking me to meet him at the house. An early Christmas present had arrived and I was allowed it early. So 45 minutes later, there I was, in my pyjamas, at the house. I was expecting a rain jacket, which is what he said he was going to get me for Christmas but then I saw the cardboard in the window and thought perhaps it was a huge print or a photograph for the house. To my surprise it was the kitchen we had been wanting from Howdens! We said we were going to wait until February to get the kitchen, as we have plenty of cooking equipment we use when we are camping, so I was totally not expecting him to have gone out and got this and start fitting it!

Today we had the electrician fitting the lights under the units. There will be some lights in the glass units and above the plinths too, I think. I lit the fire, brought round all the stuff I have accumulated over the past 6 years from the garage (excluding the sofa) and had a little tidy up, which means it’s all tidy ready for the week ahead. I really need to get the internal doors painted so we can get those hung. It will make it feel much more cosier when we can shut the doors of the rooms we have carpeted and not worry so much about Erik getting the carpets dirty from all the mess downstairs.

Here’s a little sneak peak of the spare room. I’ve got this gorgeous rug airing out in there, as it’s been in the garage for almost a year! We bought it when we went to Manchester Christmas markets last year, but couldn’t bring it back as we were on the train so my Dad ended up lugging it across Manchester and back home on the tram, as he was working down that way. Anyway, it looks great in here but we will eventually use it downstairs in front of the fire. Who knows, I might change my mind and have it elsewhere!

I try to get out on a decent walk with Erik Saturday morning’s, seeing as though we stick to the same boring old routes through the week, when day light and time is limited. This weekend we did Winder fell, which was beautiful! Even if it was a little wet and incredibly misty.

Anyway, Josh is moaning about the tapping on the keyboard so I’ll catch you next Sunday! Lots of love, L.