Doors hung and lovely antique brass door knobs added. Josh chose these, after I showed him a few ideas of what I imagined would look good. I’m so pleased with them! They really make the doors look extra special. We reused the existing doors, although they are a little wonky! They originally had glass in, which we had to get rid of because of fire regs and I guess they aren’t ideal for guests.. So we boarded them up, filled, sanded and primed them, then painted them in Shirting White (Little Greene) mixed by Valspar. It’s a lovely chalky paint to use. We used it on the skirting boards and above the dark walls in the spare room and it’s such a nice crisp white contrast.

I did a little tester of Mizzle by Farrow and Ball next to the kitchen cabinets. I do like it but I’m not sure it’s the colour we will go for. I have actually tried the Shirting White too but didn’t get a photo of that. It looked a lot more grey next to the white though, which I do want but still not 100% sure. We’ll make a decision this week and hopefully get hold of some paint for the Christmas break. We will also have a work top this week too! We’ve decided to wait to get the quartz, as we don’t need it right now and can’t afford it to be quite honest, so Josh has got some ply which he’ll fit and we can use that for the time being. I’m just looking forward to getting all our kitchen stuff in the cupboards and finally being able to cook! I did a little order from Ikea the other day, just for some basic bits but I’ll show you those next week. Unless of course I start vlogging again, which I have really missed doing.. then I’ll show you there! Don’t hold me to it though!

Hello lovelies, how has your week been? I took Thursday and Friday off to organise some Christmas stuff but it just seems to have whizzed by and I still don’t have all the presents I wanted. My Mum and my Gran are just so hard to buy for, I really don’t know what to get them… Perhaps a spa day for Mum would be nice. In fact, I’m going to do some research this evening! Or if you have any suggestions, please let me know! How’s your Christmas shopping gone? I haven’t spent anywhere near as much as I usually do and I’ve tried to buy everything from local shops, besides from the few things I ordered in October whilst they were on my mind. Today we visited Tebay services farm shop to get all the meat for the Christmas period. We have a piece of pork for Christmas day.. and I’m so looking forward to it. It doesn’t feel like we’ve had a proper roast in ages, although Gran does tend to make them often. Anyway, time for bed, I’ve had far too many late nights recently (watching MIC and romantic/really sad films on Netflix). Speak next week, L.