The next step…

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Now we have the log burner in, I guess it’s only right we chill the f*ck out until after Christmas. I’m kidding.. now that the log burner is in it’s made me even more anxious to get the house ready asap so we can move in already! Josh and I have started applying our first coat of emulsion on the walls and we’ve almost managed to get our first coat on downstairs. We still have the back wall to do and the ceiling but hopefully that will be done by the weekend. This evening we applied a little sample of paint above the fireplace and we are both so happy with it, it’s definitely the colour we are going for in the living room/kitchen. If you watch my vlog on Saturday, you’ll see what I mean.. and you can subscribe here so you know you won’t miss it! The next phase is to get the 1st floor ready for the first fix. We still have a lot of lath and plaster to remove and a lot of crap that needs sorting out before that happens but we’ll get there soon I hope. This weekend we’ve decided to pluck up the courage and experience our first Autumn/Winter wild camp together. I’m not sure where we are heading but I know that it’s going to be beautiful because the weather forecast just looks phenomenal! I’m just hoping that it doesn’t change between now and then because I am so excited to get outdoors again, even if that means having a day or two off from the house. I’m even packing my wetsuit because I’m actually hoping I’ll brave the cold but I guess you’ll find out on Sunday whether I did or not! Anyway, hope the week isn’t dragging too much. I’m still struggling to get myself up and out of bed before 7:30am which really sucks because I so desperately want to get back in the gym. Nevermind! Maybe I’ll have to wait until after Christmas… ha! Speak soon, L.
