Hey loves, long time no speak! It’s Friday! But everyday feels like a Friday here in Thailand because we’re on holiday! I thought I’d try to catch up with a few blog posts so here’s a few of my photographs from our trip to Shark Bay in Koh Tao. To be honest, the swimming was not fun, as there was so much broken coral and so many sea cucumbers, which are gross, I didn’t want to put my feet on the floor. I also struggled getting out of the water as we were perched on some rocks and ended up needing a hand from Josh, who then cut his toes on some coral. Ah fun times! Our friend Andrew, or Drew as he liked to be called, also accompanied us. We met him during our open water diving course, along with a few other lovely people that I will most definitely stay in touch with. At the moment I’m sat in the restaurant with the laptop. This is the best place for a wifi signal but I feel like I’m being super anti social! Josh and Alex are actually out on a fun dive so I’m waiting for them to get back. Josh was a little unsure whether to go, so I’ve bought him his favourite chocolate bar which is keeping nice and cool in the fridge. Oh, I’m also thinking of getting a new tattoo on my arm…. maybe I will get that tonight? I’ll keep you updated though! Speak soon, L.