What a long bloody day it’s been! We were up at 5am, to catch a taxi at 5:30am to the pier, where we caught the ferry, then a bus to Phuket, Patong! We only arrived at our accommodation about 2 hours ago and since then we have had a cheese and ham toasty from 7/11, if you know, you know.. and rented ourselves some motorbikes! Oh and had the longest shower, ever. The little hut we stayed in on Koh Tao was pretty naff to be honest. The shower literally dribbled out of the shower head, the tele didn’t work, the wifi was shit, the masseuses who arrived next door at like 6 am were probably the loudest bunch of women you will ever meet and I was scared to stay in the room alone! Moaning aside, it was still a pretty good location, I mean there aren’t many places you can stay and step out on to the beach and watch the sunset without paying an absolute fortune. But, it cost us about £38 a night which we thought was far too much… So, going back to this morning… we were all sat on the ferry about to set off and my mum realises that she left her iPhone under her pillow, so she had to catch a later ferry which was a slower one! She’ll be arriving in the next hour or so.. bless her, I bet she’s absolutely shattered. Anyway, these photos are obviously not from today but from the day we spent at Aow Leuk Bay in Koh Tao. We spotted some baby black reef tip sharks when we were snorkelling, which was so cool! We also had lunch at this cute little beach restaurant, where I spotted the most adorable dog ever! Just look at those eyes! Now, I am going to have to rush off and dry my hair because Josh has nipped to the market to get me some fried chicken and I wanna be ready to demolish it when he’s back… Speak tomorrow, L.