Plastering the living/kitchen space

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Well, good evening. I’m so sorry that my blogging schedule is all over the place lately. I need to get in to a routine of Sunday and Wednesday uploads I think, so I know exactly where I am and what to share! I have a plan for the New Year which will be two blog posts a week plus a Saturday YouTube video every other week. I think it’s doable and not too out of reach and I have to say that creating videos is my most favourite thing to do. I did share a house update on my YouTube channel on Saturday, which you can see here. Please go and give it a watch and a thumbs up if you liked it.. and if you loved it and want to keep up to date with my uploads then please subscribe too. I would love to reach 50 subscribers by the end of the year! I’m currently on 34… Anyway update on our beautiful home! We got the whole of the downstairs plastered, wahoo! This feels like such a huge milestone, considering we only got the keys to the house 4 months ago yesterday! Can you believe it. So, yes.. downstairs plastered, down lights in the kitchen are in, pendant in the living room is working and switches have been fixed to the electrics. The next step is to apply our first coat of emulsion, seal the hearth with some special stuff and then get the log burner in. I cannot wait for the day we burn our first couple of logs and sit in front of it on our camping chairs with a hot chocolate. Hopefully we aren’t too far away from that dream becoming a reality. Anyway, right now I feel like drifting off in to the land of nod. We went to Manchester Christmas markets yesterday and didn’t get home until about 9pm, so it was quite a long day. We did however manage to spend a bit of money on a lovely wool rug for the living room but we couldn’t manage it on the train so we will have to head back within the next 4 weeks to collect it. Once we have it back here, I’ll show you! Any guesses on what colour it may be? Speak soon, L.
