We have about 16 hours left in Thailand until we make our way to Phuket international airport. Unfortunately Josh woke up super ill this morning (probably at the thought of going back home), so I’ve been out and picked him up some medicine from the local pharmacy, packed my suitcase and now I’m just hoping he will get better so we can at least get a little bit of sunshine at the beach before we go. If not, I’ll just chill by the pool later. I’m actually going to one of our friends restaurants so she can teach me how to make Josh’s favourite dish, spicy Thai prawn salad. It’s delicious! If you are ever in Phuket, stop off at The Quencher’s bar on Nanai Road and ask for Tang’s prawn salad… tell them we sent you and they will know exactly what you mean! Because the Wifi was terrible in Koh Tao, I still have a back log of photos I wanted to post, so here are a handful from our day spent on the long tail boat. We used the same guy who took us to Koh Nang Yuan and he took us to various snorkelling spots around the island. My favourite was Hin Wong Bay, where we saw the biggest school of fish! It was super cool but I couldn’t hold my breath long enough to dive down and swim through them all. Oh, also Mango Bay is lovely. The guy from the long tail boat went fishing for squid there and caught two for his dinner! It was cool to see but I felt so sorry for them, poor lil things. Bet the food he made that night was good though, I love squid! Right, I better dash! I’m going to film the prawn salad in the making so I’ll share it in a few weeks time over on YouTube if anyone’s interested. I probably won’t have time to speak on here until I’m back in England. So sad, can’t believe it’s over! Anyway, Ciao! x