Hello new log burner!

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Today has been one of the best moments since we bought the house back in July and if you haven’t already seen it all over my Instagram, you probably won’t know that we have our log burner fitted! Some of you may wonder why we decided to fit it so early on considering we still have so much left to do on the house but we were really beginning to feel the cold whilst we are working there, so we thought we would get our Chesney fitted as little bit of an incentive to get shit done, to help keep us going throughout the colder months and for something to smile about when we may feel like giving up. Trust me, I’ve had many of those and we aren’t even half way in to it yet! We spent the afternoon sat in our camping chairs, as close to the log burner as we could.. until we had to back off because of the roaring heat, which I love by the way! We will probably make something to keep it covered over when dusty, dirty work resumes again upstairs.. but for now I’m going to enjoy lighting the log burner and painting the downstairs until we have to start pulling the rest of the lath and plaster off in the office and dressing room. Sorry for the lack of photographs, I’ve been trying to focus on capturing videos for my next vlog but I’m finding it a little difficult. Anyway, I’ll have that to share with you next Saturday! Speak soon, L.
