Work has resumed on the house!

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Our beautiful home all lit up. I love seeing it like this.

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Last night Aaron and Isaac started electrical and plumbing work again on the first floor.

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And tonight, they started ripping down the wooden wall separating the landing and the very small bathroom.

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Another perspective of the hallway/bathroom looking across the landing from the guest bedroom.

Finally, we should start seeing a little more progress with the house! After getting the log burner fitted at the end of November the work seemed to just stop to a halt. With Christmas in the way it was hard to motivate ourselves and get anyone around to come and help, so we let December slide but now we are back in business. The next sort of ‘phase’ is to get the first floor all wired up and the plumbing sorted. We have plans of each room for the electrics and radiators, which I was planning on sharing here but I left the ‘little book of plans’ up at the house for the boys to go over. Once we have all this sorted, we can start insulating the walls, dot and dabbing again and then we can actually get it plastered! It doesn’t sound like that we have that much to do on the first floor.. but then we have the problem with the attic room. I haven’t yet mentioned that we had applied for planning permission for the attic room to extend the roof with a flat roof dormer. The reason for this is because we want to have the top room as our master and en suite and we need the head height above the stairs to allow the room to pass as a 4th bedroom, as well as allow plenty of light to flood in and give us a lovely view of the roof tops and the fells behind when we wake up in the morning. Our planning got rejected at the end of last year but we do have an extension date which is later this month. We still have plans that need to be drawn up and sent off to Yorkshire Dales planning but I’ll let you know how that goes. Oh and just a little bit of background info as to why we have to go through planning, where we live is classed as a conservation area and is within the Yorkshire Dales National Park. It’s obviously very annoying when you don’t get what you want but I totally understand their logic. I’m hoping we can come to some sort of agreement to allow us the extra head height we need and keep the exterior in keeping with the rest of the houses on our street. Anyway, I probably shouldn’t admit this as it is only Wednesday but I’ve had two glasses of red wine whilst I’ve been cooking tea and now I wanna jump in to bed and fall asleep, ha! I’m currently waiting on Josh and his brothers to get home to eat dinner and watch football so I’m sure there will be lots of noise because there always is when there’s football.. especially Man Utd. I created my own meatball sauce this evening.. so I hope it tastes nice. Can’t wait to eat it! Speak soon, L.
