Wonderful weekend

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1st of June. The sixth month of the year! Who would have ever imagined we’d still be in lock down?! When my boss sent me home in March (I think it was March), he said it would be several months until we’d be back to normal. I must admit I didn’t believe him but it looks like he was right! Anyway, what a bloody lovely weekend it was. I’m pretty sure it was the same gorgeous weather up and down the country. We did a bit of work on the house and then went for a walk and a quick dip on Saturday afternoon. I want do more local walks so I’ve been trying to research some but because it’s not as popular, it’s hard to find images of the walks and I always want to see images first because I don’t want to waste my time on a boring walk where you don’t reach a nice view points or you don’t walk besides a nice stream, you know? I had seen a friend of mine walked up to Uldale Force, somewhere I’ve never heard of before and it was only 10 minutes down the road. We decided that it would be a nice place to picnic and jump in, so I packed some hummus, flat breads, pork pies, sandwiches, cheese and pickled onions and that’s where we went. Although, I’m not convinced we made it to the actual force. I think it may have been part of it but not the main attraction! We can attempt it again another day, when I’m not wearing Birkenstocks and have just developed a fat blister on the bottom of my foot! Then, yesterday we worked on the house and got a few little bits done on the dormers ready for the windows to be put in. I’m so excited to get this room done! We have the plumbers coming up this week to sort the main bathroom and our en suite out. Josh will also need to build the stud dividing the landing and the en suite. It will begin to take shape soon I hope! Later, we sat in my Mum and Dads garden all afternoon in the sunshine. It was bliss! We had so much food but that’s what Sunday’s are for right?
