Hello! Okay.. I just wrote a whole paragraph ready to share and clicked cancel instead of save and it deleted it all! So annoying! Anyway, what I was going to say was that we arrived in Chiang Mai yesterday after a very bumpy plane ride here. Josh and I sat by the pool, ordered some food and then we were later joined by my Mum, Dad and brother Alex. We were all pretty tired so we spent the majority of the evening in the pool, watching the live concert that was taking place across the road at the Maya shopping mall. I think we got the best view, don’t you agree? Songkran was still in full swing when we arrived, so we only ventured to a nearby food place for dinner and sat in the hotel bar for a few drinks before bed.. then we ordered a pizza company delivery and I mistakingly convinced Josh that we did not need a large pepperoni pizza with cheesy stuffed crust so we only ordered a cheesy garlic bread which I thought would be extra cheesy and super greasy but no… a sprinkling of cheese and dry to the bone. Bad choice Llana, bad choice! Anyway, we are all currently sat by the pool again. Josh hasn’t been feeling too good so we went to Boots to pick up some bits and bobs for him. He has a blocked nose and bad head, which sucks for him but he keeps soldiering on! If it were me, I’d be tucked up in bed with the air con on, curtains shut and a film on the tele, ha! We are a little stuck with what we want to see here in Chiang Mai actually, do you have any recommendations? I’m going to sit and do a little research ready for tomorrow, with a coffee ice and maybe order some food soon. Alex also wants to get some ear piercings so we may venture to the shopping mall and I might just have to get one too. Although, my last piercing I got a few Christmas’ ago is crusty.. I’m hoping that the sea salt will be able to cleanse it a little but that’s not going to be for a couple of days. Right, time to sunbathe and try and tan my pale looking legs. Lots of love, L.