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Hello babes! How’re you? Here are a few pics from my iPhone from this weekend! The week started off well for me, the sun was shining more often than usual and I got back in to running after having a few weeks off due to a bit of a health scare but thankfully everything is okay now! I then fell ill with a horrible cold and the past few days have been a bit slow and unproductive. Typical that I’m ill on my weekend off! Josh and I got to spend the day together yesterday, we got a few jobs done, did a food shop and later made a Thai green curry! It was delicious! Almost as good as my mums… This morning we woke early and went on the sunbed’s because I’ve been feeling a little pale and under the weather I thought some time on the sun bed would help. It’s not something I do often, in fact I think I’ve only been on them twice before. This Saturday my mum makes her way to Thailand for 6 weeks, joined later by my brother and dad. Unfortunately I won’t be joining them again which upsets me… a lot! I’ll have to start planning a holiday for the two of us because I am so fed up with this weather and my body needs some vitamin D! Now, it’s football on the tele.. I was going to attempt a slow jog but the weather is just awful so maybe I’ll go later when it calms down a little. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! Speak soon, L.
