This weeks photo diary

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Thursday morning before work, Josh and I woke up super early to catch the sunrise from the top of Winder. It was a beautiful morning!

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Went to a military style fitness class on Saturday and then pigged out at Method Cafe. The polenta and passion fruit cake is delicious! I will certainly be back for another piece of that.

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One morning before work.

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Storm Ciara causing chaos here in Cumbria. The River Rawthey had burst it’s banks and all of the roads were flooded leading out of Sedbergh.

Turns out the racing green paint we decided on looks terrible on the back door, so after Josh decided to paint the frame, I now have the best job of sanding it down! Nevermind – you live and you learn! I must learn never to rush in to things and just think about what I want. That’s a £25.00 tin of paint wasted. Anyone want to buy it from me? I actually purchased another tin this weekend. It’s called ‘green glade’ by Dulux. It’s a softer green which Josh told me to go for originally. I don’t think we’ll be getting the back door painted anytime soon, as the weather is.. wet, windy and just rubbish basically. Never mind, we still have lots to be cracking on with, including the ripping out of the attic space, yay! I cleared it this afternoon, so all we need to do is get some scruffs on, get a mask on and start knocking it to pieces. This is in preparation for the two pitched roofed dormers we hope to get passed by the Yorkshire Dales National Park.. and if we don’t get it passed then we’ll be terribly annoyed. Fingers crossed we hear from them very soon! Oh, after also whinging about a summer holiday on my last post, we actually went ahead and booked a week in Italy for the summer. I’m incredibly excited and I have a list as long as my arm about what I want us to see and do. Anyone else plan their holidays? I always note everything down so I don’t get stuck when we are there, otherwise I feel it’s a wasted trip away. I’ll share more on that nearer the time! Anyway, I am super tired. It’s been an energetic weekend to be honest with you. I’m ready to snuggle down and get cosy and warm in bed, so I’ll love you and leave you.
