Et Voila! I didn’t know what to do with the pile of stones so I just left them there for Josh – hehe! I cannot wait to get the dormers in! Oh my god, it’s going to be so light and spacious (hopefully)!
Happy Easter! It must be a weird one for a lot of you! I’ve never really celebrated Easter because we are usually always in Thailand. I’ve never had Easter eggs or a special dinner, so I guess you never miss something you have never had before!
I spent most of today at the house. I’m not sure whether I should be there really but I walked there, spent my time there on my own and I’m going to class it as my daily bit of exercise because man I am tired from running up two flights of stairs non stop! There was loads of wood to get rid of and it was all on the top floor so I brought all that down ready to dump on the pick up and burn when we can get round to doing that. I also started stripping the big window in the living room too. Josh has told me not to bother getting all the paint off but just make it even and smooth for another coat on paint. It took me ages and I’m still not even half way finishing it! It was a lovely day to be at the house. It wasn’t too hot or too cold, it was quiet, the birds were singing, the sun was shining through the windows, just bliss!
I’ve had a couple of messages this week asking how I stay motivated and push myself to get out running or do a bit of exercise. In all honesty, I’m not a runner in any way, shape or form. I have quite a big bottom and my legs are heavy, so I don’t run fast at all but running has helped me immensely during this lock down so I thought I’d share with you some of the things that help motivate me to get up and out the house.
- Firstly, I’d say that telling yourself what you plan to do the next day always helps. Write it down just before you go to bed. Bullet point everything, even things as simple as ‘breakfast’ or ‘shower’. I always find that adding in some things you know for certain you will do, helps towards ticking off the things you might struggle to complete that day.
- I like to get out as soon as I’ve woken up. This might not work for you, as you may prefer to have breakfast and wake yourself up a bit first. Whenever works best for you though, get your workout gear ready the night before. This particularly helps when you live with your partner because you don’t want to be rummaging around trying to find your sports bra or a pair of trainer socks if they are still snoozing!
- Download an app to help. I used the couch to 5k for a while (not really long enough) which I thought would be good for anyone not used to running at all. I’d say that this app is a good starter app! Strava is also a great app. It’s like a little community of runners, cyclists, walkers and swimmers. When you run certain segments, you can see how you compare to others who have also run that segment – which really spurs me on! You can also compare your own run times.
- Share! I’ve been sharing my photos, my routes and videos on Instagram and I love the feedback I get. It’s so motivating and I think that during this time especially, everyone is so much more supportive of one another and willing to help in what way they can.
That’s it really. I hope they help a little! I’d also say that if you haven’t ever done any running or much exercise before, that’s okay! Don’t be afraid! Plan a route, don’t stray too far from home, take a bottle of water and just jog and stop when you feel like you need to. You don’t have to go full throttle! At the end of the day, it’s good to get up and outside and do something different to sitting at home all day. Speak soon, L.