The perfect night away…

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What I wore: Swimsuit by New Look from ASOS here.

You’ve probably seen the photos plastered all over my Instagram but obviously I had to share them here on the blog too. If you’ve been following me on Instagram and Facebook then you’ll probably know that I surprised Josh with a night away at the Brimstone Hotel and spa for his 28th birthday. Not only did I surprise him but the one night stay was completely free, because I managed to win the #langdaleadventure competition that they were running just before Christmas! I still cannot believe how it happened but it did and I’m so grateful! I only found out a week ago today and I knew I had to get it all booked and sorted for his birthday. Like I mentioned in my previous post, it was super hard to keep my mouth shut about it because all I wanted to do was tell him so we could get excited about it together. I had the choice of 5 rooms, so of course I went for the duet suite with double shower and two roll top baths.. because why the hell not! When we arrived on Wednesday night the log burner was roaring and complimentary drinks and snacks were available from the reading room (about 5 steps away from our room door). I booked in for tea at The Stove restaurant, a short walk from the Brimstone and then we enjoyed a bath and… more wine before bed. The next morning I woke up and opened the curtains to see snow! I couldn’t believe it, it was just so magical. We enjoyed a cooked breakfast on the balcony, watched the sun come up and listened to the birds tweeting before heading off to the spa for the day. There were a number of saunas to choose from but my favourite was the Himalayan salt rock sauna, the smell was amazing! I wish we could’ve stayed longer but Josh had to be home to speak with someone about work which was a shame but to be honest we were both shattered, even though we relaxed all day! Anyway, enough rambling and bragging… I know, I’m a very lucky girl! Thing’s like this don’t happen very often to me and I’m just a little overwhelmed with it all. Anyway, enjoy your weekend… be happy, be present, work hard, love even harder 🙂 lots of love, L.
