The Jurassic Coast and Durdle Door | Part 1

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What an absolutely fabulous, wonderful, glorious time we’ve had in Dorset. Who would’ve thought that it was going to be this beautiful? I still can’t believe the colour of the water and on Saturday the heat was just insane! After a good 6/7 hour drive on Friday, all the way from Sedbergh to Wilksworth camp site, we finally arrived to a campsite full of families and couples, bbq’s and beers. It was really lovely to escape for a weekend and although it was still England, it felt like abroad. We cooked some food before bed, shared a bottle of red and the guys had their complimentary Badger Beer. The next morning we woke up fairly early and got ready to explore the South. We knew that the first thing we wanted to see was Durdle Door. I had first seen it on Lydia Millen’s instagram last summer and it looked unreal. It’s been on my bucket list of things to see/do in the UK ever since, so when Dan asked Josh if we would join him and his girlfriend Hannah for a long weekend, we couldn’t really say no. So, we jumped in the car and drove to the coast. The parking was £9.50 for the day and I would recommend getting there as early as possible, as the car park does get full super quick. There are vans with ice creams and drinks but I’d definitely suggest taking your own picnic blanket, some food and spending the day by the sea, as the walk up to where the vans are is pretty steep and exhausting when it’s warm. The beaches are also all pebbled which I didn’t mind at all because it meant you didn’t get covered in sand, although you may need those special shoes you wear to go in the sea with, so you’re not stumbling out of the water looking like you are training for the cast of the Walking Dead. I’ve decided to separate Saturday’s photos in to two posts because there’s far too many for you to digest in one. I hope you like them though because I have so enjoyed using my camera again and obviously soaking up some sunshine. I will share the rest over the next few days! Have a lovely evening, L.
