Sunday: life on the farm and a sunday roast with the girls

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Happy rainy Sunday… God, what a droll day it’s been! After my Thai lesson this morning, we had a girls day where we all brought a dish or two for a Jacob’s join Sunday roast. I made cauliflower cheese and mash potato, we also had roast potatoes, swede and carrot mash, roasted parsnips and carrots, green beans, peas, pigs in blankets and a roast chicken, yum! Bethany also made sticky toffee pudding for dessert which was absolutely bloody delicious and now I feel the size of a house! We had a little walk, or shall I say drive, to see Kristina’s alpacas, how cute are they? One of them actually spat on Emma, which stunk and was like bright green, gross! Probably best that we didn’t get too close but I just wanted to stroke them. We also got to see all the new born lambs and calves and I got to sit on Alfie the horse and ended up getting a very soggy bottom, and not the kind that Mary Berry goes on about. I always wished I lived on a farm growing up, there’s so much to see and do and the thing’s you can learn about life and farming is actually really interesting but I don’t think I could force myself out there in the cold and the rain every single day, it’s a tough life! Now, well… now I guess I will prepare myself for the week ahead. We will probably watch a film on Netflix and get an early night! Speak soon, L.
