What a day for it! I was nominated to complete 5k over the weekend but I couldn’t find the energy on Sunday and yesterday I just felt so heavy, so I only managed to do a quick yomp around the bottom of the fell. It’s coming up to that time of the month, so I know that I will probably have to stop running every single day.. because I know I’ll just feel like crashing on the sofa. But I’m glad I managed to get up and out this morning because it really is a wonderful day! I decided to make my run/walk a little longer and headed up to the top of Arant Haw (I think that’s what it’s called) or what most of us locals call it.. Higher Winder. It was a fair climb and my legs were burning but it was so worth it for the views at the top. It’s only the second time I’ve been up there, the first time was on a beautiful, sunny, cold and snowy wintery day back in December. I did take a comparison photo which you can see on my Instagram here. Which do you prefer? Spring or Winter? I’m definitely a Spring girl. Spring and Autumn are the best, especially here in Cumbria. We get the nicest weather! Since we’ve been spending more time at home and getting outside for our one bit of exercise a day, we’ve realised how many wonderful walks there are on our door step and now I can’t wait to get a dog and have a companion to run alongside me. We are hoping to get a dog this year for when we move in to the house. I guess we’ll have to wait and see how things turn out, what with coronavirus and all. Anyway, I’m going to do some drawing and get some lunch shortly.. even though it feels like I’ve just had my breakfast! Speak soon, L.