Removing yet another wall

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What a miserable weekend it’s been. I was expecting it though, as I check the forecast religiously. We spent the weekend at the house, knocking through yet another wall. We decided to do this to allow the smallest room in the house an extra foot of space. It will be our walk in wardrobe/dressing room and although not a bedroom at this stage in our lives, it could be in the future and the extra foot would make all the difference, especially when we wouldn’t miss it in the other room as we still have enough space for a fitted wardrobe which will sit flush with the door. It’s hard to explain but you’ll see what I mean when it’s done. We had another load of rubble to get rid of, which Dad and Alex helped with. I can’t do too much heavy lifting at the moment as my back has been in a bit of pain. The Doctor said it’s just a strained muscle though, so light exercise and plenty of rest for me, bliss! Time seems to be going so slow this evening. I don’t want to complain because it’s the last day of the Christmas holiday’s before I go back to work tomorrow but it feels so much later than it actually is. I’ve just prepared some veg for tea to go along with our fillet steaks I bought from the butcher. Garlic mushrooms, roasted cherry tomatoes, fried onions and of course home made chips before the health kick starts tomorrow. God, how many times did I say that in 2019? I’m hoping that because it is a new year, I might give it a better go and I have written a bit of a meal/workout plan down to keep me on track. We’ll see how that goes! Anyway, I’ve got some stuff to do before work tomorrow and before SAS: Who Dares Wins at 9pm this evening! My eyes are also stinging from the fried onions sizzling away. Speak soon, L.
