Really want to leave these kind of pictures until we are completely done but that won’t be for a very long time so here’s a pic from summer 2019 and yesterday (17th Jan 2021). I love looking back at how it once was and then taking a picture from the same angle now. Opening up the living room and kitchen has made the downstairs feel a lot bigger than it actually is. The high ceiling’s certainly help, as well as good lighting.

Before, during and after paint stripping/installing new glass! The reeded glass really looks so much better than the yellowy brown stained stuff that was in before. I love it! We bought it from a local trade shop called SBS (if you’re local you can find them here). I have a tin of Basalt by Little Greene which I’ll paint the front door in. Hopefully this weekend if the weather is nice!

The inside of the door still needs a bit of work, like a good sand and perhaps a little more stripping to get the main bulk of the varnish or whatever it is on it off. The ‘wood effect’ is just an effect and was pretty much all over this house when we bought it. I’ll be glad when it’s gone! Thinking of either matching the door to the walls, which will be a very light grey/white or going for something super bold and out there. Lots of suggestions for orange but not sure I’m brave enough or could look at a bright orange door every day! Also going to have a curtain that we can pull across the door for privacy too.. so perhaps we just go plain and go for a funky curtain?
Hey lovelies! I was supposed to post last night, as I usually do, but time got the better of me and I ended up having a couple of glasses of red wine whilst watching Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Thrilling stuff, right? We had a busy weekend at the house and got rid of a lot of stuff that didn’t need to be sat in the way, gathering dust. We also got the door stripped and new glass fitted, which you will have seen above. We are both so pleased and the room feels just that bit brighter with clear glass in. I’d like to think that I’ll get around to painting the walls sometime this week but I feel like I’ve been saying this for quite some time now. It’s Josh’s 30th on Saturday, so I’ve asked him if he’ll help me get the dining table out the garage so I can cook him a meal and present it all nicely. I actually have a vlog coming Sunday, which I’m excited to share! I’ve really enjoyed filming again and I’ve been using the DJI Osmo Pocket which makes filming much easier because it’s so small! You can find that here if you’re interested.