And so, our journey in to adulthood begins. I must admit, I have felt rather emotional lately at the thought of moving out of my Gran’s flat, where we have lived for so long. I always dreamt that when the day of moving in to our own home came, it would feel so different.. But I had very mixed emotions and so did Josh. I still feel sad now because it’s an end of an era but I’m so glad that we all managed to get along so well, for all this time and still don’t really want to leave. I finally have to grow up and wash my own pots. Washing pots is the worst! I can’t wait until we can get a dishwasher installed! Thankfully I’m only a 3-5 minute walk away, so it’s not like we’ve moved to the other side of the world. God, how would I cope if we decided to do that?! I have always envisioned living in Thailand for a few years but I’m not sure I could do it now.. haha! Anyway, I am still absolutely knackered from the weekend so I’m going to love you and leave you. Speak soon, L.