How to do the things you love as often as possible

It may seem like you spend the majority of your life stuck at work, wishing you were doing something more fun and adventurous but we all have to work, to earn money, to pay the bills and most importantly to enjoy life. So how do we get that work life balance right when all we seem to do is work, work, work? If you love the outdoors and adventure, then here are a few useful tips to making the most of your days off work.



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Be organised and plan ahead. My diary is like my little book of excitement. As soon as I have something planned, it goes straight in there and I spend my days and weeks or even months before hand feeling excited about the next adventure. I don’t mean to wish my time away but I always think it’s good to have something to look forward to, whether it being a walk, a camping trip, a weekend away, whatever it is that you enjoy doing.

Check the forecast. We love to walk and explore, if you hadn’t already gathered, so it’s super important to us that the weather is on our side. I’m a serial weather forecast checker, so I spend the majority of my working week refreshing the met office app to see what lies ahead for the weekend.

Research where you want to go and plan your route. This helps with getting going and helps motivate you when you feel a little sleepy or a little lethargic. If you don’t plan where you are going, it’s much easier to call it off and not go at all.

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Get out of your comfort zone and do things you may not normally do! I think this is easier said than done for me as I will give anything a go, at least once. I think this one is more important if you have friends or family who have different interests to yourself. It’s nice to do something someone else wants, rather than what you always want. So give it a go, you never know, you may enjoy it!

Don’t be a let down. There is nothing worse than receiving a text the night before or even worse, first thing in the morning to say that ‘I can’t be bothered’ or ‘I don’t feel up for it’ or what I cannot stand is ‘I’ve got a hangover, I’m not coming’ *a brother of mine springs to mind, ahem*. I understand that sometimes life might get in the way and if you have a genuine excuse other than being lazy, then fine but if you’ve made plans.. try to stick to them!
