House update: new stable door

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The kitchen all plasterboard, ready for the plasterers next week.

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Rocky made a bed in the fireplace.

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The hearth is in, underneath this cut out piece of ply to stop it getting scratched or damaged.

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Rocky and I took ourselves for a walk, to get out of the way. The trees are in full Autumnal swing and it’s so lovely to see the leaves looking beautifully orange and yellow! Dare I say, it may be my favourite time of year…

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Here is a comparison of the back window and door. The photo on the left was taken back in the middle of August and then photo on the right was taken this afternoon.

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There she is! Our lovely solid wood stable door. We are going to paint it when we have decided on a colour and when we won’t have so many people wandering in and out. I’m thinking something dark on both sides. Oh and we also need some handles so we can actually use it…

Hi everyone, how the bloody hell are ya? I’ve not been feeling my best this past week. I got a tickly throat and my nose has been running like a river but besides from that, this week has been a good one because we have got so much done on the house! Just to update you if you hadn’t already seen my post over on @verynorthernhome, we had our hearth fitted on Thursday, which you can’t see at the moment because it’s got a sheet of ply on top of it protecting it but I will be sure to reveal it with the log burner on top in the very near future! Josh’s brother Ben came to help ‘dot and dab’, which basically means he stuck the plaster boards on to the largest wall downstairs. I make it sound as if it is an easy job but it isn’t! All the plaster boards have to be cut to size and then levelled out when you stick them to the wall. It’s been a huge help for us as it saves us asking the plasterers to do it, so now when they arrive next week they can simply crack on with the actual plastering! Hooray! We also managed to get our new window and stable door fitted too! This is something we spent quite a bit of money on, so it’s very special for us. We decided to go for a stable door because I love the idea of having the top open when we are cooking and it will be nice for summer evenings too. Surprisingly, our next door neighbours had read about our house once being a stable or a farriers when it was first built in the late 1800’s, which I’m certainly going to look into and see if I can find anymore information about. So, what’s next for our home? Well, we need to have a seriously good clean, that’s for sure! We need to get the downstairs walls finished, ready for our plasterers arriving a week tomorrow. Then once that it done, we should be ready to install our log burner and move on to plaster boarding upstairs. Anyway, I better go.. Mum is making us a feast and I’m so hungry I could eat a horse. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will speak to you again soon. Lots of love, L.
