Happy New Year!

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It’s 2019! I can’t believe I started blogging almost 3 years ago. Time certainly does fly! Here we are with a lil mirror selfie from NYD. We celebrated with family in Kirkby Lonsdale and yes I am wearing that SilkFred dress again, for the 5th time this Christmas. I’m sorry, I cannot help it, I just love the shape of it. You can find it here if you are still interested, although you’re probably sick of the sight of it.

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Me, Alex, Josh and Dad on NYD in Plato’s. I cannot believe how busy it was! There was a lock down at 4pm and we were stood like sardines for a good few hours.

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Bumped into my old science teacher and met this lovely lady too. Still can’t believe she was my teacher, we look the same age, haha!

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Another blurry polaroid with an incredibly long pointy tongue..

Well, I hope you all celebrated the new year exactly how you wanted. I’m totally ready for a detox and some time off the pop, so I’ve set myself a challenge.. no alcohol until the day we fly to Thailand (that’s 96 days from today), because obviously it’s compulsory to have a glass of something at the airport to celebrate the holiday’s. I’m also wanting to change my diet dramatically over the next few months and stick at it for, well the rest of my life. I thought if I don’t change my outlook on fitness and nutrition now then I never will. It’s only day 2 but something in my mind has changed completely and I’m excited to start seeing some results, lol wish me luck. I’m going to share my new years resolutions with you once I’ve jotted them all down. I feel like when you write it down it helps engrave it into your mind. Maybe that’s just me but it helps! Anyway, Happy New Year folks. Lots of love, L.
