Happy Birthday!

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Us at Balea Waterfall in Romania <3

Josh turns 28 today, twenty flipping eight. He was 22 when we started chatting via Twitter and when we went on our first date. Seriously, where does time go? I feel like nothing much has changed, he’s just a little hairier, wiser, more charming but still the same old Josh. I think it was 3 years ago we were jetting off for a 4 night stay in Rome, which was supposed to be his birthday surprise, which soon turned into him finding out and us planning our trip together. It wasn’t even me that let it slip, in fact it was his Grandma, thanks Marie! Although, she probably did me a favour as it was killing me inside not being able to tell him. Today, we are both finishing work a little earlier and I have a night away planned in a secret location. Ok, so a few close friends, family and colleagues know but I’ve actually kept it a secret from him and he keeps telling me he’s super anxious because he doesn’t know what’s coming. I know he’s going to love it but I think I might love it just that bit more… and no it wasn’t planned for myself, ha! Ah, anyway, all will be revealed once we’re back. I’m going to be taking the DJI Osmo Pocket with me to capture some of the moments there so.. dare I say it, be prepared for a vlog coming soon! Now, I’m not promising amazing things and I’m not promising vlogs weekly or monthly but I am wanting to film more so I’m hoping this lil DJI camera, which is literally the size of my palm, might help me get into the swing of things. Speak very soon and keep your fingers crossed for me that he doesn’t find out before we get there! L.
