My little (big) brother, Alex.
Morning! I’ve just got back from the dentist and dropping my dad and brother off at the station. It’s that time of year again, where they go to Thailand for a month. Ah, I remember this time last year I had to hold it in that we were actually going to be joining them, haha! But this time, we won’t be and it was hard to hold my emotions in as I waved them goodbye at the station. I hate goodbyes, I’ve never been good at them. I get this huge lump in my throat and my eyes fill up with tears but thankfully I didn’t embarrass myself this time and instead I shed a little one in the car… on my own! What is wrong with me?! Anyway, my appointment at the dentist went smoothly and I really enjoy seeing my dentist because we always have a good chat, once she’s finished prodding around my mouth. Today I’m working on a project Josh and myself have set for the year but more on that soon! I’m catching up with Made in Chelsea with a cup of lemon, ginger and honey tea which I think has been my absolute saviour over the Winter, along with covering my nose and chest with Vicks before bed. And *touch wood* still haven’t had a cold yet! Speak soon, L.