Okay, so even though I was fed up of Thai food by the end of our holiday.. Mum just made one of my favourite Thai dishes for tea and I’m not exaggerating when I say I demolished it in 3.5 seconds. It was the best and man I so wish I was there now to pick something up from the market or go to food land and have something cooked up for me for like a quid! We did the food shop yesterday and spent well over a £100, that’s probably more than what I spent in 2 weeks on holiday, eating out and drinking every single night! We did buy gin though but not that many other treats to be honest. Although, we did treat ourselves to a sandwich and a chocolate twist from M&S for the car journey home. How good are they? Ugh, I could eat a cheese and onion twist from M&S now, there’s genuinely nothing like them. So buttery, cheesy and oniony mmmm. Anywho, I found these pics that I had actually already uploaded ready to share with you but I obviously never got around to posting whilst we were still away. Our first night in Bangkok was delightful. We sat on the roof top terrace of our hotel and had the most delicious meal ever. Josh and I still talk about it now and we are yet to have another dish that compares. It’s the Khao Soi Nua that I mentioned in my vlog I uploaded yesterday… I pronounced it wrong but you get the gist. It’s the red curry looking dish with fried noodles on top. Honestly, if you go to Thailand and you go to a restaurant you think is authentic, try it! The burger was good but nothing on the Thai food. I do love a good burger so I would always recommend the Iron Fairies if you are ever in Bangkok or I saw @anitabye (blog here) had been to Bun Meat and Cheese, which looked delicious. Unfortunately we never made it there but next time… for sure! Right, I’m so so tired I think I might make a cup of Horlicks and jump in to bed. I have a bad head from staring at a screen all day and we’ve just managed to get all our holiday clothes put away for next time. It’s like it never happened! Thankfully I have a gazillion photos that I’m going to get printed in a polaroid style and framed, ready for when we eventually get our own home. Hugs, L.