Waking up and getting outside to watch the sunrise behind the fells is just one of those things that makes me feel alive. Even more so when the weather is as good as it has been over the past couple of days.
I managed to convince Josh to join me for an early morning run. We set our alarms for 6:15am and left the house at 6:45am.
We made our way up Joss Lane, through the field and up to the fell wall where the sun was just peaking over the fells over towards Garsdale and beyond. It was beautiful and so peaceful.
I really wanted a picture on the trig point and then all of a sudden Erik jumps up with me and actually manages to stay on too!
This is the same route Kelly and I did on Monday which took us a couple minutes less than an hour. Josh and I took an hour to get up and down, although we didn’t push ourselves as hard.
The views over towards the Lake District were just stunning. It’s making me want to be back up in those mountains again – roll on the weekend!
I have two favourite times of the day. The first being out with Erik, either out walking or running really early when there are no cars or people around, when everything is silent and all you can hear is the birds tweeting. The second would be when I get into bed on an evening, with my hot water bottle wearing a fresh pair of pyjamas. All night after tea I wait for that moment, that moment I’m currently in right now and I just love it. I love routine and knowing where my day will take me. Now that I have a reason to really push myself with my fitness, I plan to take this route up and down Winder as many times as possible throughout the next 10 weeks so I’m really hoping that the weather will be kind and I can have more days like today, rather than the wet, cold, foggy days. Anyway, I am extremely tired, so I’m going to read a quick few pages of my book and go to sleep. Lots of love, L.