Happy Halloween! If I remember correctly, Halloween is always this wet & miserable! I’m just glad to be sat in front of my fire with a cup of tea after a lovely weekend at home.
This weekend we were puppy sitting Toby, Josh’s brother and girlfriends 6 month old Labrador. He was the cutest, most chilled little guy and Erik loved him! It would be nice to have the space and time for another dog but most definitely not in this house as we don’t have much garden space for them to run around in. Plus, I can imagine life would be pretty hectic with two large dogs in the house!
Today we went for a walk with my parents, prepped a cottage pie for bait boxes and headed over to Hayes in Ambleside for some Christmas decs but only came home with a Yankee candle ‘tree farm festival’ which FYI smells amazing, 2 baubles, some dog treats and some chutney for our cheese boards we find ourselves eating most nights over Winter period. We then decided to stop and have a Sunday roast at a pub on the way home, which was nice but now I’m sleepy after just one glass of red.
I’ve really missed blogging and I’ve really been wanting to get my camera out again to film a bit more, so I’m hoping to do a bit more of that over the next few weeks and over Christmas when we decorate and do lots of winter hiking/camping. I go through stages of not wanting to share anything and now all I want to do it film, photograph and edit. Speak soon! L x