Afternoon tea at The Black Bull

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What I am wearing: Jumper from M&S, Denim Jacket from Missguided and Dr Marten boots.

Hey loves! I am so happy to finally have a day off from work. I’ve worked 13 days in a row but am surprisingly not too tired, although an early night and a film is definitely on the cards. Yesterday a bunch of us enjoyed a savoury afternoon tea at the Black Bull, which was top class. The sandwiches were delicious, especially the pink roast beef which was perfectly cooked. I also really loved the sausage rolls, which were about the size of my head and the delicious calamari with spicy dipping sauce. Perfect day which ended with Josh and I waddling home at 11pm, after me saying that I’d only be out for an hour or two, oops! Anyway, I actually woke up without a hangover because I was sensible and had about 3 pints of water and a packet of crisps whilst I was out so we managed to get a food shop done, meet our friends for some lunch and get home and prep for the week ahead just in time for a roast chicken salad, mmm! Oh, I also ordered those suitcase dividers which I mentioned in my last post, so once they arrive I’ll maybe do a ‘what I’m packing and how I pack’ video. I watched Marianna Hewitt’s ‘how I pack for trips’ which you can see here and I found it really helpful, especially as I don’t travel often. Speak very soon, L.
