A lovely weekend

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We decided to take the easy route up to Warnscale bothay which was from Honnister and up over the slate mine. Josh and Dan carried kindling and logs on their backs.. and then had to carry it all the way back down because they bothays were full!

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The photo above and the two below both of Josh and I were taken by Dan Toal. You can view his site here for some more amazing photographs!

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I edited this on Lightroom. I’m trying to use Lightroom more as opposed to using VSCO on my phone. I find it quite hard to use/navigate but with hopefully after a few more practices it will just become second nature.

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Dan was taking some astronomical photographs and he helped me set my camera up so I could capture this. I wanna use my camera more and more, so I’m definitely going to try shooting in manual more often. I also popped this in Lightroom and had a play around.

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This guy lended us his battery powered pump to blow our kayak up. He was a Mancunian who drove up for the weekend in his mahoosive camper van.

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Should be wearing a life jacket but totally forgot to pack them! Next time for sure though, it’s a little scary out int he middle of the lake without one.

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I had been craving a roast beef dinner and a glass of wine but because we were short on time (Man Utd v Liverpool match), we had a ‘Summit to Eat’ vegetable chilli con carne, which by the way is the most delicious ‘boil in the bag’ type meal I’ve ever had. It’s so tasty! I’m going to try and make my own version at home for bate boxes.



We have had a truly lovely relaxing weekend. It started on Saturday, of course, with a relaxing morning, a hike up on to Haystacks from Honnister (the quickest route up) because we had planned on stopping in Warnscale Bothay but we were too late, someone had already nabbed it! We tried Dubs Hut but there was a group of seven already in there. We could have fit in with them but decided not to, so we headed back down to the car and off to a bothay in Thirlmere. There was nobody there but there weren’t any benches to sleep on so I was against sleeping on the floor. We lit the fire, chatted, ate sweets and had a go at photographing the stars. It was fun!

Today Josh and I went kayaking on Derwent Water. It was such a beautiful morning, the hills were frosty, the sky was blue, the lake SO still. Just the most perfect wintery morning but weirdly not that cold. After a float on the lake and a bite to eat we headed over to Bowness for some Churro’s from the ChoccoBar. They were okay, bit stingy on the chocolate sauce and because we wanted to take them away, they were packaged in a huge plastic container. But never mind, I guess we should have brought our own! Then we headed up to Windermere for a waffle from The Little Ice Cream Shop. I didn’t actually have one because I was full by this point but of course Josh went all out and got almost everything on his waffle. Now I’m sat at home, waiting for SAS to start. I’m really tired, I can barely keep my eyes open and I am so full, I could be sick.
