The third trimester & maternity leave begins

I think the third trimester this time round has gone the quickest of all. I can’t believe we’re only a few weeks off my EDD! I had planned on working until the very end but I changed my mind and decided I needed to give myself time to relax and prepare for the birth, as well as the changes of becoming a family of 4.

I say relax but I still have a lot of things I’d like to get done. Though, I have managed to get a lot done this last week, from sorting our drawers, getting all the babies clothes neatly put away, making sure we have everything to hand for the birth. Now all that’s left is to tackle the kitchen cupboards, the freezer and do some batch cooking!

I have been feeling a bit more tired these last few weeks. Struggling to get comfortable to sleep and when I’ve woken in the night I’ve spent a while getting back to sleep, as I’ve had so many thoughts whizzing around my head. I am very much ready for this baby to make their appearance now, so that I can lie comfortably on my stomach and also get out and do some walking without aching!

I had my 38 week checkup this week, which I hope will be my last check up as I do have a feeling baby is going to make an appearance before my EDD. Fingers crossed anyway, as my midwife is away the weekend of my due date and I would love to birth this baby with her here again. However, I do feel whatever happens will be absolutely fine. I thought I’d feel more nervous the closer my due date approaches but I just feel so excited about it all. Every night I make sure our living room and kitchen is as clean as can be, just in case I wake up to contractions like I did last time. Today I bought some Lucozade and some sweets so I know I have something to keep me going. Last time it was Rowntrees Fruit Pastels that Josh fed to me in between gas and air, this time I’ve gone for some mini M&M’s and a packet of the fizzy Haribo’s. I’m not usually a ‘sweet’ kind of girl, but they definitely helped me through last time!

Well, that’s me for the evening and until baby decides to make its way into the world! Part of me still can’t believe our second baby will be here ever so soon. I can’t believe I’m going to be a mum of two! My prediction is a baby boy, arriving before 40 weeks… but only time will tell! Lots of love, L.
