It’s Wednesday

It’s Wednesday.. again, where are the days and weeks going?! You may like to know that I finally.. finally downloaded the WordPress app on my phone so now I can blog from my iPhone rather than having to log in on the laptop, airdrop over my images and do it all on there. This seems much easier! I just hope it posts in the format I would like it to.

I’ve got a film stuck on Netflix, called Desperados. It looks like an easy watch, which is just what I need right now to send me off to the land of nod. I’ve been watching the Sinner most evenings but because it’s dark, I’m thinking too much before bed and this brain ain’t got the capacity for that before I sleep. Coming here to write a blog post is enough. I feel like my eyes are straining. Maybe I need an iPad? I’ve actually been looking at the iPad Pro’s but they’re expensive. I’d love one to use for creating prints. It would feel so much more natural than drawing on a Wacom. But we need to get the house finished before I think of treating myself to one of those. Not that I have any money to treat myself to one of those anyway but a girl can always dream!

Anyway, I went on a run this evening and I think I saw a big black cat. It was only the back end and at first I thought it was a big dog with a long tail, like a Great Dane or something. It stopped me in my tracks and I looked and listened for someone walking but there was nobody around at all. I’m definitely going back to check for paw prints! I’ll keep you updated! Love, L.

Ps. Sorry for the puppy spam. I promise I’ll up my game with better imagery and something other than Erik!
