Ah.. Rainy, cold Sundays. It’s nice to be inside, all cosy.. Gran and I went food shopping early on. It was her first time out in the shops since the beginning of lock down, besides from nipping to and from the local post office, butchers and fruit & veg shop. It was nice and quiet though! I would have quite liked to have popped in to TK Maxx to see what there was in the home section but it was too wet to be moping about. I’ll perhaps try there next weekend!
I’ve spent this afternoon sat at the dining table.. not eating but working on something for a friend of mine. I’m currently listening to ‘The Great Indoors’ podcast, I’ve missed just taking some time out for myself, listening to something I love, sketching, writing here on my blog. Ever since we got Erik, time goes by in the blink of an eye! Last night he settled quite early, so we sat and watched a bit of ‘Meet the Fockers’ and I made nachos. It was lovely, although I had one gin and I felt like it was time for bed, so I moved on to tea instead! I love tea and I must say, I make a pretty good brew..
This evening? Hm, I really should complete day 6 of Courtney Black’s 28 day challenge… but do I feel up to it? Not really.. I may knock today on the head and get back to it tomorrow. I worked really hard last week, even in the heat. I don’t mean to make excuses but a girl gotta rest! I might, MIGHT go on a run in the rain, although it is very wet out there. I really really need some new running trainers too, these ones I’m currently wearing are like 4 years old, they have no grip and are developing small holes where my big toes are pushing through. I just can’t find anything I like and god, aren’t trainers expensive?! Anyway, hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend. Speak soon, L.