It’s tradition that every single Christmas Eve, I spend the first few hours of the evening at my best friends house with her family, drinking Prosecco. Of course, this year was no different… besides from the fact that her elder sister has just announced that she’s having a baby! It’s so exciting and slightly scary because we all grew up together playing with ‘my little ponies’, baby Benjamin and baby Annabel. Anyway, as per usual, I drank too much and ended up feeling not so well for Christmas Day. By ‘not so well’, I mean throwing up in the toilet for the majority of the morning and nursing a bad head. I didn’t touch a drop of alcohol until about 8pm on Christmas Day and I genuinely don’t think I can touch anymore until the New Year now. I’d love to give t-total a go but I don’t want to commit to it, so after New Years Day we will see how it goes. I’m actually thinking about what I want to cut out or aim for in 2020. I began 2019 by writing down all the things I’d love to achieve and it certainly helped me on my way for a very successful and happy year. Do you have any New Years resolutions you’d like to share? I’d love to know what they entail if you do, whether it be something big or even just something small. Sometimes the small ones are much more achievable. Come to think of it, I’d really love to cut my screen down time on my iPhone. I’m thinking of giving myself a 8:30pm curfew and putting it on silent so that I can actually be present when I’m sat at home. I’d also like to start reading more too because it actually helps me sleep better. I’ll have a think about some other resolutions and share them before 2019 is over and done with. I’m actually already tucked up in bed watching ‘destination wedding’ on Netflix. It seems quite good but I’ll probably fall asleep watching it because I am suuuuuuuper tired. Anyway, enjoy the rest of Boxing Day. Speak soon, L.