Evening stroll

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How beautiful is it where we live? After moaning about the weather on my Instagram (as per), the sunshine decided to show itself. So, Josh, Dad and myself went for a quick yomp up the fell behind our flat. We had planned on making it to the top but time got the better of us and Gran was making tea for 6:30 so we had to make a de tour and head home. We had roast ham, cauliflower cheese, roast potatoes, mushy peas, roast tomatoes and roasted onions. Oh my goodness, so good and now so full! I’m starting the gym again tomorrow, for real. This time I really mean it because I feel so lazy and I miss the feeling I used to get in the morning when I had done a really good workout. It also helped me enjoy a proper breakfast, which stopped my cravings for biscuits throughout the day at work. So now the plan for the summer is.. no more biscuits, workout 5 times a week for around 45minutes, work on longer cardio sessions, spend less time on my phone and more time outside or creating things. Who’s with me?! This evening will now consist of shower, Pinterest and I may just catch up on Killing Eve, unless Josh wants to watch it with me then we may have to wait for another night because… well, you know… football! I will speak again soon and hopefully not leave it so long in between posts but we will see! Lots of love, L.
