Sunday in Sedbergh

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A Sunday well spent… renewing my car insurance, road tax, rearranging hotels in Chiang Mai and then finally getting out of the house for a stroll in the sunshine before tea. We had planned on doing a short walk with our friends, Kurt and Kelly but the weather forecast for the Lakes wasn’t great, so we decided against it. It actually turned out to be an alright day and not a raindrop in sight – but hey ho, I got some important jobs done which I don’t have to worry about for the rest of the week! I love the sunlight on days like today, especially just before the sun is about to set. It creates this beautiful golden light and it felt just like spring. After our stroll, we stopped off for a drink at the Black Bull before coming home to roast chicken, salad and chips. It’s a easy and plain tea but it’s surprisingly one of my favourites, especially with a bucket load of M&S coleslaw. Now, I’m actually ready for bed so I’m going to quickly hop in the shower and stick the tele on to catch up with the last SAS and Hunted episodes, apparently I’m going to be fuming with the last Hunted episode… I’m really hoping that the brother’s win but I feel like I may be disappointed. Speak soon, L.
