How I Spent My Thursday


Started off the morning with a 5km run, at least I think that’s how long it was, I paused my strava half way through and forgot to resume it again. Ps, you ever seen a neck this long before? 


Okay, wow.. my new breakfast favourite! M&S chunky guacamole with poached eggs, fucking delicious. I will make my own again though when I can be bothered. Convenience and all that.


This lil tiger literally lives outside now so I don’t get to see him that much 🙁 he greeted me back from my run when I was trying to catch my breath on the back door step, too cute.


I sat in mum and dad’s garden from 9am til around 12pm doing a little work, in a pair of shorts and a tee – yes it is that hot here in the North, I can’t believe it. This is the summer weather I used to remember us having when I was a kid. Love it!


Me and mum went for ice cream <3 We are working together a lot more for her cooking business which I really am enjoying and she loves that I’ve also taken an interest. 

I did a poll not long ago on Instagram asking whether you preferred to read daily blog posts or less posts in more detail.. the verdict was pretty much 50/50 and as much as I’d like to post as often as possible, there’s not that much for me to talk about, besides from my usual moans and groans about how tired I am and how I have to wake up at 5:30am for work, lol, poor me. I’ve decided that I’m not going to stick to a schedule, in fact I’ve rather liked just coming here when I’ve felt a burning desire in my stomach to reach out to you guys and talk about it. I love getting feedback and it’s nice to know that I have people of all ages reading the blog, which is something I always hoped for. Forgive me if I’m wrong but I think my writing has come on a tremendous amount since I first started back in 2016, which I’m super proud of.

So today I thought I’d share a few snapshots of how my day went! I woke up very early and headed out for a my second run this summer. It felt so good and I didn’t come across anyone, it was pure bliss (besides the beetroot face and sweat dripping down my chest). I spent the morning baking slowly under the sun putting together a menu for my mums cooking business, go give her a like on Insta @nooleksauthenticthai or here. We’ll be sharing lots of delicious pictures! And then we went for a food shop, had a stroll around town, ate ice cream and then I had a lie down in the garden because the weather is just so beautiful I felt like I needed to make the most of it!

Tonight, I guess we don’t have much planned although I really want to go for a walk and take some photos! I couldn’t sleep last night, my stomach was full of butterflies and I had SO many ideas running through my mind which is a good feeling but I really wanted to sleep, so it’s a catch 22 but I’m just so happy I feel back to my normal happy self. Anyway, much love and I will speak to you again very soon, L.
