Moodboard – I love the idea of quite a Mediterranean space. When we visited Greece a few Summers ago the surrounds of the hotel were so clean and pretty. Lots of stone, white washed walls, plants etc. I would love to replicate that in our small courtyard.

Quick little sketch of how I imagine it will look (next Summer perhaps!)
After my little poll on Instagram last night, I asked you to decide which mood board you’d like to see next and the majority chose ‘back yard’ which I was planning on doing anyway because it’s such good weather but I’m glad you want to see a mood board of that space too! We probably won’t touch the back yard, court yard, garden (?) until we’ve actually got settled in. It’s not a priority and will only delay us moving in if we start faffing around with it now but that doesn’t mean I don’t have some ideas for the courtyard (that’s what I’m going to call it). It’s very small and we have plans to convert the 3 sheds/outbuildings in to a utility room and a shed for all of Josh’s outdoorsy stuff! At the moment it’s red brick but we’d ideally like it to be stone faced like the house. We also need to do something with the flooring at the back and throughout the whole walkway. At the minute it’s just patchy and weedy and it gathers water in certain places after a heavy down pour, which isn’t ideal! I’d love an l-shaped floating seating space, which will run under the kitchen window (I think) and along the wall. I want it to be floating because I expect it will give the effect of more space. I’d also like it to be stone, wood or concrete but I’ll have to do some research in to that. I think concrete is a good idea, as it’s smooth and easy to look after. We can store cushions and blankets in the utility room to sit and lie on to make it comfier. The wall behind the seating area I’d ideally like to paint in a light colour. Perhaps an ‘off white’ or a ‘stone’ like colour. I think a lighter colour will feel brighter in the summer, as the sun moved across the courtyard. I’d love to have some wall hanging plants too. I’d love a wall just full of them but I imagine the up keep is tough. So just a couple dotted a long the wall would be fine, just to add a splash of green. I don’t really want much else going on, other than a couple of planted pots. We’ll have to hang a washing line across the courtyard when we need it, which will go from the kitchen window, diagonally across to the corner of the sheds. It will be enough room for a few things but I also plan on having a collapsable wall hanger in the utility room for small bits like underwear etc. Woah, this feels like a long post but I feel so passionate about this house and I’m just so ready to be in our home with our own space! Anyway, I think that’s all for now. I hope you enjoyed this post. Lots of love, L.